2024 Port Hope Tour Tickets


Taking you inside some of Port Hope’s wonderful heritage properties, while also giving you the opportunity to learn more about the personalities, renovations, art, decor, and stories of the properties themselves.

When: Saturday, October 5, 2024

Tickets: $40, Including HST

Tickets purchased online on or before September 15 will be mailed by Canada Post, at a mailing cost of $5 per order. 

Tickets will be mailed once per week and may take up to 10 business days from mailing to arrive. Please be patient.

Tickets purchased online from September 16 WILL NOT BE MAILED but must be picked up on Tour Day (Oct. 5th) at Tour Headquarters at the Capitol Theatre box office at 20 Queen St. in downtown Port Hope between 9 a.m. and noon. OR, for immediate receipt, tickets may be purchased at our retailers.

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