The Port Hope House Tour has been providing glimpses into the stories and histories of some of Port Hope's most iconic homes and buildings since 1964.

Now in its 59th year, the Tour has become one of Ontario’s most popular annual house tour events. Over the years, more than 55,000 guests from across the province, the U.S., and abroad have participated in the Tour.

The Tour affords guests the chance not only to view the outstanding examples of vintage and contemporary architecture for which our beautiful town has become known, but also to gather design ideas, explore art, antiques, and gardens, and learn about the people who live and work in these remarkable buildings.

Take a look back at previous Tours:

Our Purpose

The annual Port Hope House Tour raises funds for the preservation and restoration of architecturally and historically significant buildings in town as well as those in the greater municipality of Port Hope. In addition, funds support a Heritage Scholarship for a local student who is entering into one of the heritage trades at the post-secondary level.

All committee members are volunteers and Tour proceeds go to the Port Hope Heritage Foundation.

Committee Members

Brian Buttery
Trish Doney
Judith Gladstone
Corey Goldman, Chair
Heather Read
Lee Yaroschak